Clean Water Act Analytical Methods
EPA publishes laboratory analytical methods (test procedures) that are used by industries and municipalities to analyze the chemical, physical and biological components of wastewater and other environmental samples required by the Clean Water Act.
Approved CWA Methods
Other CWA Methods
Optional methods for analyzing wastewater and biosolids (not approved under 40 CFR Part 136):
- Chemical
- Microbiological
including MST Methods 1696 & 1697 - Biosolids
Alternate Test Procedures
Development of modified EPA methods or new methods
Regulations and Support Documents
- Regulatory History for:
- Methods Update Rules
- Microbiological methods
- Oil & grease
- Cyanide
- Dioxins & furans
- Mercury and chromium-VI
- Other methods support documents
- Toxic and Priority Pollutant lists
- Legal authority for methods